Friday 10 April 2020

Chris Hani, the communist! Isitya esihle asidleli

On 10 April 1993 I was a student at the University of the Western Cape. It was a saturday, I woke up early that day to go to Bellville for some supplies. I was at Foschini looking for something. The music was playing in the radio with occasional advertisements. Then the music was abruptly interrupted with a special announcement. I did not hear what the person said first but '...well known communist Christ Hani was gunned down in his house this morning, more details will be shared later' and the music continued to play. I looked around to ask someone what I just heard, people were going about with their shopping - of cause they were all white and did not understand what was my issue. My heart was racing and was so anxious as I could not confirm what I just heard.

I left the shop in a hurry and hopped into a taxi to Belhar where my residence was. As I got into the yard there was no one in sight. I passed the entrance into the courtyard and people were in the dining hall others still going there. As I entered the hall, I could feel the sad mood. No one was talking, heads were down and some shaking their heads. After a while one of the student leaders came in and addressed us. Comrades, its true. Chris Hani is dead. I felt like crying but no tears were coming out. I felt like screening but my throat was dry.

After what seemed like eternity someone started a song. At first the mood was somber, then people started to get up and the singing was loud and heated. after an hour. We were later told that there will be a mass meeting on campus on Monday for a proper briefing and update. This was a horrible day in the history of South Africa. My heart was broken. My energy was gone and I was scared what will happen when everyone realises what has happened because at that stage I was pissed off and could moer anyone who says anything unbecoming. 

Chris Hani was my hero. He resembled a real son of the soil. He gave up everything for me to be free. He endured hardships and exile to ensure that this country is free. He was revered by young and old. Rural or urban everyone knew who he was. 

I remember a few months before he was at the Independence stadium in Mthatha. People travelled for over 100 kilometers to see and listen to him. Later my neighbour narrated how he travelled without money and was lucky. He was so excited that he made it and listened to this revolutionary whom he adored and respected. He was telling me what Chris said (like a radio). People in the Eastern Cape loved him because he was one of their own and they could identify with his struggles. 

Martin Thembisile Hani hamba kahle mkhonto!

Every time I think about that day I remembers the song by UWC Creative Arts Choir which went like: 

UMkhonto libutho lam endilithandayo x3
Ukhweza loomathafa
Ucanda loo mimango
Libutho lam'endilithandayo

Bathi bakuwubon'usondela
Baphume bonkabantwana bevuya
Baphume bonk'abasebenzi
Bayilwel'inkululeko yethu 

Unganani mlisela nomthinjana
Hamba Mkhonto mkhonto wemikhonto
Ushayizitha zethu 
May'buyi Africa
Bathi alikho ibutho elifana nomkhonto

World Press Freedom Day

On Saturday 3 May celebrates the World Press Freedom Day, well this has been the norm for years. This occasion acknowledges the gains made over time in ensuring a safe environment for journalists to work in. It also acknowledges the challenges that still exist.

Journalists continue to be arrested, jailed and killed. Censorship is alive in many countries. Journalists are forced to give up their sources or face being jailed. Some are accused of spying on the state, stealing and selling state secrets, conspiring against their governments and many others. China for an example has been in the spotlight for its inhumane laws and disregard for human rights.
There have been however legislative changes favourable to the media in various countries in the last decade. There are also concerns that these changes are only for window dressing as they are not applied. It is true that in many instances the legislative environment makes it hard for the ‘free media’ to operate. But, we also need to look at the limitations affecting journalists e.g. lack of resources, editorial policies, knowledge base and ethics.

Very few countries in Africa have progressive laws regarding the media. Journalists are jailed for ‘telling like it is’. Recently in Zimbabwe there was a crackdown on journalists. Some are still in jail while others have been released and or fined. This problem is not unique to Zimbabwe but is widespread. The threats are there even in countries with progressive policies like South Africa. As much as there is freedom of expression on paper, there are various pieces of legislation that make it hard to collect and disseminate information.

There is evidence of changes in South Africa compared to the period before the 90s. There is an Independent Communications Authority which is independent of the state various other structures that have made life easier for the media and for the public. The introduction of the three tier system of broadcasting has ensured that the growth of community radio. More and more communities have access to information through radio. This has had an added benefit as people in the countryside are largely illiterate or semi literate and too poor to afford a newspaper on a regular basis.

As we celebrate this day, we also have to answer a number of questions to understand where we are. The role of the media in society has to be clarified. Who owns the media and what their intentions are is another issue that needs attention? What are the threats to media? What are the challenges facing journalists on the field and in the newsroom? What is alternative media? Is new media killing traditional media? Why are senior journalists leaving the media environment?

Media today is very diverse in character. The problem is that ownership is a major challenge as there is no diversity. Content has also not necessarily been diversified. We also have to ask ourselves whether this diversity has improved access to information by the average person.

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.’ In an ideal environment, this article should be respected and adhered to.

Friday 14 January 2011


Do you remember yesteryear?

I'm talking about the time ...sidlala undize emboneni...or the dark...or anywhere.
Etshatshalazeni down the road, kudlalwa oonopopi, umphekiso, Donkey, ugqabs and unjiqa kunye nobhayshoza i love you baby, urubeka,black toti, u puca ,building ujingi from a piece of rope tied to a tree, u ex webhola yetennis on the street or uduva in the backyard.

Remember when there was a season for everything, before playstations and cartoon network, computers...izilingi kuyodutyulwa iintaka etrainjini, I season yamapetyu, yono popi, nee moto zocingo(izigcawu).

The sound of the fruit & veg vendor in his van. I van ye ice cream siyileqe. Evenkileni syo thenga ama shwam shwam, I chappies, I fish bread , umgubo, I dolly licks. Siqhuba ii Rollerskates, BMX, go-carts (iinqwelo zama burys)..

Wait, can you still remember...Getting up at 3 in the morning on Christmas day ulinde ilanga li jaive. Let alone Xmas eve sibhalele u father Christmas-lento ka SANTA andiyazi ivelaphi?

When around the corner seemed far away and going into town seemed like going somewhere, and your ma made you "dress up"for the trip. Xa ukhutshwa ngabazali niya e Monti, okanye e Eastern Beach. (oh those were thee places)

Ngee big days xakuyiwa elwandle, omama bethu badibane bezitshomi/mbutho kuyiwe e Orient okanye eFulus okanye e Eastern Beach,Remember TV?

Cowboys, untouchables, rover, mind your language and many more. Even soaps-loving no santa Barbara. How about locally-abakwazidenge (bhuqa), velaphi mjongeni, linempoxo ke isiko (ufiks othanda u xola), iingcinga (uthobeka wase Bisho-indawo ecocekileyo) Bophelo kese mpekgo (NKUSHENG), Dynamite deep Kloof Dudes, Mhlongo, ngubanin ongalibala uSokhetye inkawu yelitye, u Pancho no Cisco, Iimpuku zasendle, Spectraman etc.

Being tired from playing... Remember that?-wish I could go back,udlale ugqaphu uthambise ivaseline uthuli luhlale emilenzeni,ilokhwe ngela xesha uyifake epeyntini emacaleni,kowu those were the days,im glad i lived them...

The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team.

on the hottest days in summer kudlalwe u fire nitshizane ngamanzi.

I'm not finished just yet......

Can you still taste and smell... eating jelly suckers, Surfjoy, Itay-tay... -don't forget ii ice zetshoki kunye noobompy be oros (till u cough your lungs out)

I remember making oobompy in the empty yoghurt cups.

Marshmallow fish and mice. - iiwatchi,oojub jub
Remember when...
There were two types of takkies - North Star and the canvas ones
Captain plant, Zet, Brakenjan, Kideo, Pumpkin Patch , Kideo, Power Rangers, Ikaya labantwana, VR,
Beverly Hills90210 and Melrose place, u SGONONDO omkhulu ku Radio Xhosa.

It wasn't odd to have two or three "best"friends.and you knew everyone in the road, even the next.

Nobody owned a pedigree dog!- That's right

Umntu onenja igama layo either ngu Blackie, Chico , Spotty, Killer, Doggy , Charles, Boggy, Lassie, Fluffy, Brakenjan, Sheeba, Tiger, Teddy, Danger. Xa inebhula inja sisithi inxibe ijean.(lol)

50 cents was decent pocket money. At school uthenge I fish cake, igwinya, ifish bread,idrink o' opop or kool aid,I sherbet, lucky packet.Nisazikhumbula iibhuzays(lol)..

xa uchole nge 20 cents you felt lucky. - and made a cross on the spot, sogqiba uthufe phez kwala cross.LOL

Khumbula xa kugqitha amakrwala ephethe iminqayi kufuneka ukrwele umgca,aza kuma ngxi angagqithi de akhululwe...Ayakukhaba uthi saa awangoku.

Remember how we used to catch amasele emlanjeni(kwano Ice or kwa Greenika) okanye & not worry about the germs we might pick up?

Remember when it was an outing to go to KFC. (woooooooooowwwwwww)uwakhukhuze amathambo abe

(bi skop was only 50c if not free at times)
And trying the moves out when the movie was done!!!

Or when on the rare occasion at home you bought Kentucky or Sgudis Nice (chicken licken)?

Remember how we used to lie on the grass & eat (oomuncwana) neempundu zeembovane ezimnyama ezimuncu lol.
The reason why they tasted so sour was because dogs use to pee on them...(that was what we were told)

Remember you couldn't walk around bare-feeted because ameva ayegcwele and uzonyathela u rhaw rhaw.

Remember when any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it

Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of muggings, drugs, gangs, etc..

Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat....and some of us are still afraid of them!!!

Didn't that feel good.....just to go back and say, Yeah, I remember that!

Remember when.... Decisions were made by going "ngubano suzileyo, nguno msuzwana, usuze ntoni? When you are guilty you would say kanye, kanye , kanye, kanye, kanye LO"

Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a BIC pen with a wet piece of paper and shoot the other kids or a "kettie".(birds were the only thing we managed to slaughter back then)

Taking drugs meant orange-flavoured chewable vitamin C, Milk of Magnesia or a spoonful of castor oil.

Older siblings were the worst tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors.

After school, kubiwe ama bhatata. Remember snowballs, amagungqu, where were you iinkukhu zishaya I brake dance? Ii funnyface, iiwilsons XXX Strong, amapantsula, I ORO CRUSH egalelelwe iswekile encinci, I bumpy. Emiguyweni(my favourate gathering) kuculwe,damn amagala could bloody sing, ISONKA SOMBHAKO NE GINGER BEER.

If you can remember most or all of these, then....


Wednesday 22 December 2010

English 101

TOP 10 English words only black people know the proper meaning of
10. Groovy
Real meaning: Very pleasing
Black meaning: 340ml soft drink can
9. Cold drink (pronounced coldrink)
Real meaning: Opposite of hot drink
Black meaning: Any soft drink especially coke
8. Scuff tin
Real meaning: Scuff - Mark resulting from scraping, Tin - can
Black meaning: Lunch box
7. Ball pen (pronounced Bolpen)
Real meaning: Ball point pen
Black meaning: Any pen
6. I'm Sure (pronounced Amsho)
Real meaning: I'm certain
Black meaning: Maybe
5. Gym Dress (Pronounced Jimdress)
Real meaning: Gym - Gymnasium, Dress - Women's clothing
Black meaning: GirlsSchooldress/uniform
4. Double Up (pronounced Dablap)
Real meaning: Twice as much in size
Black meaning: Short cut
3. Straight Back
Real meaning: Extending continuously in a backwards direction without curving
Black meaning: Corn rows
2. Relax
Real meaning: Calm Down
Black meaning: Chemical Hair Straightening
Real meaning: Cause to move back by force or influence
Black meaning: Very Popular hairstyle where hair is combed away from face.
Life Time Award Winners:
Real Meaning - Process of Growing
Black Meaning - The natural hair when your hair hasn't been relaxed in a long time
Real meaning - Lacking sight
Black meaning - Very much (too much)
Background (pronounced Backround)
Real Meaning: Behind the scene
Black Meaning: A long Coat usualy worn by American Police
its great being UDAKI (black)

Thursday 11 February 2010

Hek toe!!

Watching the news this morning reminded me of how much I have changed. Twenty years ago on this day - 11 February I was a very curious young person.

I was a student at the University of the Western Cape. At the time this was the best place for me to be - and I guess for many young South Africans. The University was one of the places you felt safe. A place where we learnt more than just what we needed to make grades. The environment was conducive for political and social debate.

At Bush, as we called the University, many of us discovered why the South African Police went crazy when the Red Flag flies high. We also discovered the meaning of glasnost perestroika. This is where the concept of 'comradeship' had meaning. Political tolerance is one of the things that were not an issue. There was unity even though people came from different political affiliations. When it came to common interests - people worked together.

Politics may have been the main feature of the university from an outsider, but that was not true. We had the Creative Arts Choir, the (often hilarious) gumboot dancers, poets and a few other cultural acts which entertained us during cultural events. From time to time there were cultural evenings where the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the Peninsula Technikon (Pentech) participated. This is the time when COSAW was also strong.

Soccer was also a feature in the University calendar. I remember the UWC World Cup season. This was huge and the competition was tough. There were so many teams and most were skilled. I stayed in Hector Peterson and we had two teams there and others belonged to other teams on campus. We had Korea and Nicaragua - it was a tough choice. The final was a spectacular event. This is one of the activities that brought this community together.

When I look at where we are today and remember how we were then - I realised how much I have changed. I have not been to a theatre in a while. I am lazy to go and sit in a stadium and watch a soccer game. Choral music has dropped to the bottom of my list. Most of all I am so lazy to read even though my shelves are piling up with all sorts of books.

Watching SABC 2 this morning I remembered a friend rushing to my room in a frenzy. This was on 11 February 1990. 'There is transport to the prison' she screamed. This was confusing because I was not sure what was going on. She kept saying 'they will leave us behind'. When we were young, you would go as you are - just grab a sweater. As I was looking for my keys she told me that Mandela is being released today and we are going to Victor Vester.

One thing about being at Bush. People knew what you are interested in - or rather what you should be interested in. Your reaction was also expected to be positive.

As we were running out of V Block - I discovered that this is not public knowledge (the transport). Other people were not aware - so we were to go before the pandemonium. At one point I regretted having to leave so early as we were standing in the hot February sun. We waited in the open for hours with no direction. People were tired and thirsty.

There was a grape farm on the one side of the road and the prison on the other. There were trailers along the side of the road - probably belonging to the farm. These helped for shade as we sometimes sat down next to or underneath them. Some people could not help themselves and started getting some grapes. At first people were screaming - 'No comrades' - later most people were munching the sweet vines.

Every now and again you would hear shouts when someone comes out of the prison. After what seemed to be eternity - the whole crowd went beserk. Cheers, Amandla!!! Ululating, and some broke into a song. We knew what was happening. We climbed on top of the trailer and we could see from a distance a small crowd walking towards the prison gates. People were shouting, singing, pointing, screaming and all. No binoculars or zoom lenses we were waiting for them to come a bit closer. As we saw Winnie, the figure next to her had to be him. The guy had his arm up - waving - I realised - Mandela is coming out of prison.

The excitement and the turmoil inside is difficult to share. So many people I wished were there. I had no camera and back then mobile phones were not heard of. As I looked around me - I realised that I was not alone. Many people were crying. Others hugging friends and others watching with glossy eyes.

By the time we got to the res, everyone was gone. After they heard that Mandela is out and will be addressing the people - they rushed to the Parade. We could only watch the old man make his first public speech in almost 3 decades from a television. Seeing Cape Town out there in the Parade in thousands - on top of trees, buildings, cars and everywhere and Bishop Tutu holding this man's arm and raise it to the air - and the response - I cried.

Thursday 21 January 2010

Zange ndihleke kangaka!

(Part of Grade 12 Xhosa paper 1 - Except from Ingwe emabalabala)
Ngenye injikalanga yangoMgqibelo kwathi ndisacambalele kamyoli phezu koqaqaqa ondindaniswe kakuhle, ndihlaziywa yintlengethwa yasemva kwemini kwafika umfana kaMpisekhaya sadl’amathol’eendaba. Kwathi ndisaphulaphule ezo ntshwaqane zakhe ndamva sel’esithi .

“Umlo wona ndandingawukhathalelanga nganto mna, meli. Ukuba indoda indicaphukisile ndandiqale ndiyiqhwabe ngempama ebusweni ukuze ijwaqeke ngumsindo. Kwakusithi isabibitheka njalo ndisuke ndiyidudle ngamanqindi. Kaloku mna ndandingeyonja edlala nemibundlwana. Kunjalonje ndandingakhathali nokuba indoda itsheva iindevu zayo ngekhuba likagandaganda kathathu ngemini; ukuba isile ndandiyibetha qha, ndiyiqushe noogxa bayo ngaphezulu.”

Ndaman’ukubobotheka yintsini ndizam’ukuzibamba phofu ndisoyisakala ndisakumv’esitsho. Ndacinga umfo kaMayime. Ngentsasa yangoMvulo ndadlana indlebenaye malunga nala magwebelele eli yolisa.

“Akathembekanga tu loo Thembekile undixelela ngaye. Ngaloo maxesha ethu esikolweni, eFreemantle, mihla le sasilala kubuhlungu amathumbu kukuhleka ngenxa yoburharha bakhe,” watsho apha kum umfo kaMayime emva kokuba ndimchazele le ngcombolo.

Wayeligwala elinokuzifihla nasezilokhweni zabafazi. Kambe ke, mfundi omhle, namhla uThembekile sewemka apha eMthatha. Watshintshelwa eTsomo ngezomsebenzi. Kanye kwezo ntsuku zokumka kwakhe, ngentsasazana ethile, ndakha ndambuza urheme ukuba kwakutheni na ukuze abe sesi silima sabumini.

Wandiphendula ngomdla omkhulu umfo omkhulu, waza wandihlebela oku. Ngonyaka ka-1972 kwakha kwehla isihelegu mayana phaya kwisithili saseLady Frere. Kwakusweleke indoda ethile phaya kulaa lali yaseMachibini, ibulewe ngumhlaza.

Kwandululwa amadoda amathathu: uVabemphikisa, uChithibhunga noLawulintaba ndawonye nengqutsela yenkwenkwe ekuthiwa nguMhlangabezi. Aba bafo ke babesiya edolophini kuKomani ngeenjongo zokuthenga ibhokisi yomngcwabo. Babekhwele iveni, amadoda la omathathu ekhwele apha ngaphambili yaza inkwenkwe yona yathi ngcu apha ngasemva kwindawo yokubeka impahla.

Okunene besakufika edolophini bayithenga ibhokisi leyo, babuya nayo beyilayishe apha ngasemva. Yayinjani ke ukuna imvula ngelo xesha! Yayidyabhaza. Iindlelana zeenkomo nezeebhokhwe zazingathi yimilambo enamagama ngenxa yezantyalantyala zamanzi esikhukula, esihla engumdolomba.

Kambe ke ngelishwa iveni le yayingenasigqumathelo apha ngasemva; ngako oko ke uMhlangabezi wayesesichengeni saloo Nogumbe kaNowa. Ukuzikhusela kule meko unkabi wavula ibhokisi leyo, phofu engaqatshelwa mntu, wangena phakathi kuyo, akugqiba wavala ngesiciko sayo, walala.

Ezi nqeberhu zikule veni ke kwathi ziselapho kolo hambo luphindela eMachibini zathana nqwakaqha namadoda amathandathu emi ecaleni kwendlela , emanzi okwamantshontsho enkukhu etshone emphandeni. La madoda omathandathu abetha ngobhontsi, esenza umqondiso wokumisa le veni. Esakuwabona umqhubi wamisa. Acela ukukhwela, kwathi kanti amanye asinga kwaseMachibini, amanye aya eLinge.

Esakuvunyelwa akhwela ke edomboza. Yathabathisa kwaseluhambeni iveni esakuba ezinzile ukuhlala ngasemva apha. Kwakungocolothi ke ngoku. Loo madoda athi esakubona ibhokisi leyo acinga ukuba makube loo veni yayilande isidumbu somfi kumzi okhenkcisayo wabangcwabi edolophini.

Bancokola ke abafo abakhulu, incoko yabo ichaphazela ithamsanqa labo lokukhweliswa kuloo veni. Kwathi kusenjalo kanye yee qabu imvula, lazola izulu. Kusakuba nje ke ngoku ayitshintsha incoko yawo la madoda, ancokola ngemo yezulu ngokubanzi.

“Bafondini, incedile yenze isiqabu le mvula.”
“Uchan’ucwethe, Ndlangisa; kunjalo kanye.”
“Ndiyaqala ukunethwa yimvula kangaka, madoda.”
“Nam, ntangam.”

Kwathi ke xa ilapho le ncoko amadoda akhwankqiswa kukubona isiciko sebhokisi sivuleka , kwalandela ilizwi liphuma ebhokisini phakathi lisithi: “Ngxatsho ke! Eli zulu lide lazola ekugqibeleni?”

Hayi ke ukothuka kwaloo madoda! Kwaba ngudulubhentsu noqulukubhode, abo bafo beshiyana ngotyefezo ukutsibela phantsi, kwaziincwina nezingqala ukugadleleka kwabo. Ngaye wonke ke lo gama iveni yona iginya amanani amakhulu isus’amaphepha. Izibilini zabo bahambi babekhwele gasemva zazinyuke ngephanyazo zada zaphants’ukuphuma ngomlomo! Ayebhonga amadoda Nas’isithunzela ebhokisini! Isithunzela!!!

Umqhubi weveni esakuva loo mikhulungo, imikhwazo nezimbonono wakhangela apha kwisipili esibonisa ngasemva waza wabona umbono omasikizi kunene, amadoda elakatyula, ejakatyeka, wambi eziphosa nje phantsi engaqiqanga nokuqiqa. Kusakuba njalo ke wamisa kwangoko umqhubi, waphuma neso sibini samadoda wayekhwele nawo ngaphambili.

Bazichola-chola ezo ndwayinge zingxwelerheke ngohlobo oluxhomis’amehlo. Loo madoda omathandathu abalekiselwa kwisibhedlele ekuthiwa yiFrontier edolophini kuKomani evikiveke imilenze neengalo, wambi ehluntsuke izihlunu zamathanga nezeziquluba, eqhawuke nemisipha ethile. Ngethamsanqa phofu akuzange kubekho ngxwelerha iphulukana nobomi bayo.

Omnye waloo madoda asinda cebetshu ekufeni kuloo ngozi yaba nguThembekile lo, ngokutsho kwakhe.

Chris Hani, the communist! Isitya esihle asidleli

On 10 April 1993 I was a student at the University of the Western Cape. It was a saturday, I woke up early that day to go to Bellville for ...